Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Test your learning

    1. Overview of the program

    2. Opening Meditation

    3. Creating Your Life Map: Values

    4. Life Map: Acceptance of Painful Experiences

    5. Life Map: Avoidance of Painful Experiences

    6. Life Map: Aligned Actions

    1. Revisiting your Life Map

    2. Introducing the Choice Point

    3. Know Your Hooks

    4. Implementation Intention

    5. Purposeful STEPS

    1. Introduction to Mindfulness

    2. Attitudes of Mindfulness

    3. Escape, Avoidance, and Control

    4. Self-Acceptance Practice

    1. Life Map Reflections

    2. Daily Commitment Questions

    3. Valuing Practice

    1. Common Thinking Errors

    2. Getting "Unhooked"

    3. Defusion Practice

    4. Creating Your Self-Care Life Map

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Let's create a more mindful, value-based lifestyle - together!